Klapy klap
Kdy bude opět skladem? Neváhejte se na nás obrátit s dotazem.
Interaktivní kniha pro nejmenší, kterou můžete doprovázet i zvuky vašich rukou.
Během 3–5 pracovních dnů
Při objednávce nad 2900 Kč poštovné zdarma.
Zasíláme i do zahraničí.
Zahraniční poštovné řešíme individuálně.
A book of sounds where your hands make the noise! Flap, flap, flap and a butterfly flaps its wings. Knock, knock, knockwho is at the door? Boom, boom, boom...a boy plays a drum with all his energy!
Help tell a story of noise and sound. No batteries required, just your hands on each side of the cover.
Madalena Matoso studied Communication Design at Lisbon College of Fine Arts and post-graduated in Graphic Editorial Design at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Barcelona, Spain. In 1999 she and three friends created the Planeta Tangerina, dedicated to illustration and graphic design.